The Fashion Law Edit

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Mental Health Awareness Week 2021: Fashion's Mental Health Pandemic

“Part of my identity is saying no to things I don’t want to do… I check in with myself throughout the day and I say, ‘Do I really want to do this?’ and if the answer is no, then I don’t do it. And you shouldn’t either.” — Lady Gaga

“Fashion expects workers to be jetting all over the world, to be available at all hours to communicate with international markets, to be totally switched on about all the information that is out, there across all platforms, and to be constantly focused on the next thing,” Caryn Franklin, fashion commentator and professor of diverse selfhood at Kingston School of Art. (Drapers, Under pressure: how fashion is harming mental health - 2nd October 2019)

Saying ‘no’ to things is not an admission of weakness or failure. It’s the recognition of whilst yes I could possibly take on said business venture, campaign or task, my mind and body is telling me it’s enough at this moment, rest. And for that alone, I will listen to my mind and body and revisit that business venture, campaign or task at a later date.