November 2016: Five Blogs To Follow To Keep Up-to-Date On All Things Fashion Law
It's the Christmas festive period and nearly the end of the year. We've rounded up the top five blogs that we recommend you all follow and subscribe to if you haven't already; these blogs are your go-to for all things fashion law. From legal tips, fashion & business news to interviews from industry insiders, the following blogs are sure to have you well equipped for 2017!
1. The Fashion Law - @TheFashionLaw
The Fashion Law founded by Julie Zerbo, is definitely one of our favorite blogs to visit daily. With daily blog posts covering the latest fashion and legal disputes , and external links redirecting you to other fashion news, you'll never miss out!
The IPKat - @Ipkat
Having topped the list of the most popular copyright law blogs of all times according to Justia Blawgsearch, since 2003 this blog has become a source of material and guidance for students, lawyers, practitioners, IP owners and judges in London. With frequent blog posts and articles discussing ongoing IP issues, legal rulings and upcoming events (in and outside of London), The IPKat have got you covered.
3. The Business of Fashion - @BoF
Founded by Imran Amed in 2007, BOF has become a daily online platform for fashion creatives, entrepreneurs and executives in over 200 countries. With daily business news, career and educational resources (and so much more) available on the site, the BOF has become an invaluable source.
4. The Intellectual Property Office ( IPO) - @The_IPO
The Intellectual Property Office is the official UK government body responsible for intellectual property rights. The IPO blog is an online resource for those either working or with an interest in IP and frequently posts videos, mini-guides and articles on topics ranging from copyright, patents, trademarks and many more. I useful online resource for business owners.
5. Fox Williams - @UKFashionLaw
Fox Williams is a business law firm, with fashion being one of their sectors. Fox Williams’ Fashion Law Group are dedicated to helping their fashion clients achieve their objectives and frequently publish articles on all areas of fashion law e.g. employment, finance, intellectual property etc.