Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


    We realised that we had an audience within the entertainment industry (music, t.v, film etc.) and a lot of the principles and content within Fashion Law can also be applied in the same. There is a lot of crossover between fashion and entertainment law and therefore it made sense to also expand our services to be able to cater to you hence the name change. Our full name is The Law of Fashion & Entertainment (The Law of F.E).

  •  Do you offer work experience or internships?

    At this moment in time, no we don’t. Due to the demand, we are working on this which includes partnerships with amazing firms, organisations and universities to be able to best deliver this. When we do offer this opportunity, it will be a mixture of virtual and in-person. Make sure you subscribe to our mailing list and Membership Area Waiting List.

  • Where are you located?

    We are based in London (UK).

  • Is The Law of f.e for me even if I don’t have a legal, fashion OR ENTERTAINMENT background?

    Yes! Although our content is aimed at those in the legal, fashion and entertainment sectors, we have an open-door policy in which we welcome everyone to explore our platform as long as you are respectful to other users, attendees etc. and conduct yourself in a lawful manner. Even if you are just curious about Fashion and Entertainment Law, there is a place for you. Our aim is to make law relevant, accessible and creative for all.

  • I’ve purchased a digital download but I am having technical difficulties. what should i do?

    We’re sorry your having difficulties! Send an email to and we will be able to assist. Please note that we do not offer refunds on any digital downloads.

  • I want to attend your events but I am not in the uk. is there a way for me to attend?

    As we are a UK based company, our events will be primarily hosted in the UK (unless stated otherwise). Depending on the type of event, we will make provisions to either partly or fully record the event where possible. Recorded events will either be made available on our YouTube channel or on our website ( These will either be made available free of charge or at a set price. Also note that we host a mixture of in-person or virtual events to suit those in the UK and outside the UK.

  • I signed up to a webinar but i can no longer attend. will the webinar be recorded?

    Yes. We are aware that it is not always possible to attend virtual events after sign up and therefore (unless stated otherwise) our online events will always be recorded. All those who signed up will receive a lifetime download link to the recording after the event. Please read our Terms and Conditions regarding our Intellectual Property.

  • I would like to join the LAW OF F.E team. how do i go about this?

    We are focused on building the right team for The Law of F.E and welcome initial interest. Please send an email to expressing your interest and we will be able to provide more information regarding roles and hiring process.